Contract Variations

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Variation can be created from the project, ie. change a meter rate, etc. Upon billing for the first time, users will receive a pop-up asking for confirmation. Subsequent billing will use the new variation.

variation confirm

When billing, user will be prompted if there is a variation difference.

Contract variations allow for any changes made to meters on both child and master contracts, including finishing contracts.

Variations will also take into account any arrears and advance meters as well, ie. Jim2 will determine whether to use the new variation or the old one when billing arrears and advances.

The variation is driven by the Next Bill Date.

Click Create Variation to view all variations to date.

When billing, a window will pop to allow selection of Use Current, which will use the current variation or  Replacement, which will use the new variation setup. When using the new setup with arrears meters, Jim2 will use the old variation for arrears, and the new variation for the rest on the first billing. After that, it will use the new variation. The billing engine will pop errors to screen if there are any differences. Once a contract has been billed, the new variation will be created, and will be used in the future.

There can be only one variation per start date. Any new variation will overwrite the previous one and deactivate it.

It is possible to re-bill previous at which point Jim2 will use the corresponding variation for that period.

If there are any finished contracts in the previous variation, when creating a new one the finished contracts will still require reads for the first billing to allow Jim2 to finalise. It is possible to use No Read, if applicable.

Tools > Options > Managed Print Services: opt to require a unique variation reference – this would be required for finance company references. Tick Contract Ref which will show in the contract header. This reference can only be edited on a master or standalone contract – not on a child. If a contract has been made inactive, the contract ref number can be used again.

New Billing Meter Read choices: Early Reconciliation will bill everything to allow the new variation to come into effect. Kickoff will bill only finance companies, advances, or all, if necessary.

Variation list will appear in the Nav Tree. You cannot create a list – it will simply show which Variations are currently open.