Print a List of Jobs

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Once a Job List has been created, either fax, print or print preview the list via a variety of Job List reports. The devices available to produce that report will have been defaulted at a workstation level via Print Options.


Create a filtered Job List, select the Report toolbar dropdown list and choose which Job List report style to use for the list.



Jim2 is supplied with standard Job List reports suited to most businesses. Other Job List reports can be designed via Jim2 Report Designer.




Once the Job List report has been chosen, select the print option to use – fax (if available), the available network printer(s), preview to screen, or print to file.



Reports available to print are context sensitive to which function is being accessed – if creating a list of jobs, the available reports are suited to Job Lists.


Further information

Job List

Branches in Lists

Auto Pick Stock

Create a Job List