Stock Adjustments Stock Grid

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The Stock Adjustment form records the stock to be adjusted and what type of adjustment is to be made. The stock grid links stock information to stock records, purchases and sales as well as adjustments for stock control.


A stock adjustment Qty + cannot be entered for special stock.


A stock adjustment Qty +, Qty – or COGS cannot be entered for non depleting stock.


If entering a stock adjustment Qty + for stock which has not been purchased through Jim2 as yet, enter a dollar value (+ or -) into the Cost field to create the appropriate Transaction Journal entry.


stock adj stock grid


The fields within the stock adjustment stock grid as described below:





The date this stock line was added to the adjustment.


The initials of the user who added the stock line.


The location of the stock related to this adjustment.


The purchase order number – only used when Qty – adjustment type is used. This field will show the corresponding purchase order number.


The type of adjustment – Qty+, Qty- or COGS.

Stock Code

The stock code to be adjusted.


The description of the stock as entered in the stock record.


The unit measure for adjustments.


The quantity to adjust (blank when adjusting COGS).


When adjusting COGS, use this field to add or minus $ amounts from a particular stock and purchase order. The amount entered here will adjust each unit measure of stock in the selected purchase order by this amount.

When adjusting Qty+ this cost will be picked up from the last cost.

When adjusting Qty- this cost will be picked up from the purchase order for this stock.

Total Qty

This field only relates to Qty+ or Qty- adjustments, and will display the quantity total of that stock line.


When entering stock adjustments, different stock selection grids (using the ellipsis [...] in the Stock Code field) will be shown depending on what type of adjustment is being entered:


The Stock Select grid for Qty +:


Stock code.


Stock description as recorded on the stock record.

Qty On Hand

The actual quantity of stock on hand.


Committed stock.

Back Order

On PO. Stock that is on a purchase order

Linked Jobs

The number of jobs linked to the stock.


Stock available to sell.

Last Cost

The last cost of the stock.


The Stock Select grid for Qty – and COGS:



Purchase order number.

Stock Code

Stock code.


Stock description as entered on the stock record.


The location of the stock.


The unit measure.


The quantity on hand of the stock.


COGS for that stock record.


Further information

Stock Adjustments

Stock Adjustments Header

stock adjustments list

Stock Adjustments Status


How to

Add a Stock Adjustment

Add Stock to a Stock Adjustment

Cancel a Stock AdjustmentUnprint a Qty Stock Adjustment

View Stock Adjustments

Write off Stock Credited by Supplier