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Navigation: Jim2 Functions > Banking > Cheque Book

Create Recurring Cheque Entry

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This explains how to create a template to use for recurring cheque entries.


On the ribbon, go to Status and go to the Cheque tab. Add a new status called Template.


cheque recur status


Go to Accounts > Cheque Book and create the recurring cheque, selecting the Status of Template.


cheque template


You can then create a pinned Cheque Book list using the Status of Template.


cheque template pinned


When it's time to add a new recurring cheque, select this template and make changes as appropriate.


How to

Add a Cheque

Cancel a Cheque or Deposit

Create a Recurring Cheque Entry

Create Similar Cheque

Edit a Finished Cheque/Deposit

Edit Cheques and Deposits

Write a Cheque from Unbanked Funds

Cheque Number Management

Other Cheque Book Transactions