

Path: api/v1/pocreate


Summary:Creates a new purchase order

Query Parameters:

QueueOptionalSet to true, 1, or t to queue the request via the Jim2 eBusiness Queue. If specified the response will be 202 Accepted and the B2B request number will be returned.
Leave out, or set to false, 0, or f to process the request immediately.
SubmitRefIdOptionalA unique reference ID for the request. This is used to prevent duplicate requests when the Queue parameter is also passed. If a SubmitRefId is passed via this query parameter and within the request content (see submitRefId in JSON content) then the two values must be the same. A check for duplication due to re-processing on the B2B queue is NOT performed unless the SubmitRefId is included in the request body (ie not passing the SubmitRefId in the message body allows an item on the B2B queue to be reprocessed and potentially creating a duplicate object).
The Queue parameter must also be specified if SubmitRefId is specified.
Note that the SubmitRefId must be unique to Jim2, so if multiple systems are making calls care must be taken to avoid clashes in SubmitRefIds between systems.

Request content:

The PO type. If omitted the PO type will be Purchase. Can be set to Purchase or Debtors PO.
OBSOLETE: Use vendorInvNo instead.
The vendor invoice # for PO Type Purchase. The customer invoice # for PO Type Debtors PO.
Default is according Tools->Options Purchase, Calc Tax Total From.
The company doing the purchasing. Only relevant for multi company databases.
The buyer's account number. If supplied must be consistent with the sellor cardCode or cardNo if either of those are also supplied. In Jim2 the buyer account number is stored on the vender cardfile. NB for multicompany, if the vendor account number is used a seperate vendor cardfile must be used for each company.
cardCode or cardNo are required. If both are supplied that must be consistent with each other (ie match what is stored within Jim2).
cardCode or cardNo are required. If both are supplied that must be consistent with each other (ie match what is stored within Jim2).
cardCode or cardNo are required. If both are supplied that must be consistent with each other (ie match what is stored within Jim2).
cardCode or cardNo are required. If both are supplied that must be consistent with each other (ie match what is stored within Jim2).
The date due for the new PO. Must be in ISO date format - eg "2020-01-31"
The status for the PO. This status must be valid per workflow from Booked, and cannot be Received or FINISH.
Set to true if the the order can be part shipped
The branch code. Branches must be enabled.
The sub-branch code. Sub-branches must be enabled. Note that in the UI sub-branches may be renamed.
The GL department code. GL departments must be enabled.
"comments": [{
"stockLines": [{
The Jim2 stock code (the Jim2 user is buying the stock)
The price ex. If no price is required then Jim2's default PO pricing will be used. However, only one of PriceTF or PriceTP can be provided.
The price inc. If no price is required then Jim2's default PO pricing will be used. However, only one of PriceTF or PriceTP can be provided. Note that if the customer is not paying tax this will be the equalent to specifying the same value in unitPriceTF
The location to which the stock is to be delivered. Normally this field is left out.
A unique reference for the create request. This reference must be unique for each object and can be used to ensure duplicate objects are not created when re-trying API calls. Note this reference must be unique in Jim2, so if multiple systems are creating objects care must be taken to avoid clashes between the different system's submit ref id. Refer also to the SubmitRefId url query parameter for relevant endpoints.
Used where custom processing is required and additional data must be passed to that custom processing.

Response content:
