Path: token
Description:The API is based on OAuth authentication. At the time of writing the only authentication grant supported is Client Crendtials.
The following scopes are supported: Example C# OAuth client_credentials call
If a scope is not specified the default is 'all' and full user licence will be required.
The refresh token has an expiry time of 20 minutes, and can be extended by requesting a new access token. Note that while the refresh token is valid a licenced user session is held by Jim2Server. Authentication will also fail if there are no available licences (unless only scope view is specified).
Credentials may be passed within the request body (ie specifying) using the client_id and client_secret parameters) or using HTTP Basic BASIC authentication scheme (ie. specifying the user credentials in the Authorization HTTP header).
If the caller wants to release a licence prior to the token timing out the calller will need to logoff. See documentation for the logoff endpoint.
WebRequest req = WebRequest.Create( "http://localhost:80/Jim_Test/token" );
req.Method = "POST";
// the user:password string for HTTP Basic authorisation
// - user is the OAuth clientid (configured in the client id to use initial mapping)
// - password is the OAuth secret (the secret is the user cardfile's password)
string sTemp = "TestClientId:password";
string sEncoded;
using (System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream())
System.IO.StreamWriter writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter( ms );
writer.Write( sTemp );
sEncoded = System.Convert.ToBase64String( ms.ToArray() );
req.Headers.Add( "Authorization", "Basic " + sEncoded );
// the OAuth client credentials grant requires a form encoded request
// NB: you can specify the client_id and client_secret in the form body as an alternative
// to using the HTTP Authorization header as per above
req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
using (var str = req.GetRequestStream())
using (var writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter( str ))
writer.Write( "grant_type=client_credentials" );
// per comments above, readonly and no licence count taken
writer.Write( "&scope=view" );
we recommend using the System.Net.Http.FormUrlEncodedContent class to build
the request content if you are using the System.Net.Http.HttpClient class
to manage your web api calls.