Stock Valuation by COGS Report
▪Does not include consignment stock (Consign.In)
▪Includes consign buy stock (as long as stock has not been sold on a job)
▪Includes linked expense orders, eg. freight
▪Stock sold in advance will be included in the report if the stock has been sold in advance before.
This way the system can base the value of the stock sold in advance on a previous purchase order.
Stock Valuation by Cost
▪Includes consignment stock (Consign.In)
▪Includes consign buy stock (as long as stock has not been sold on a job)
▪Does not include linked expense orders
▪Stock sold in advance will be included in the report if the stock has been sold in advance before.
This way the system can base the value of the stock sold in advance on a previous purchase order.
Stock Value by GL Group
▪Does not include consignment stock (Consign.In)
▪Includes consign buy stock (as long as stock has not been sold on a job)
▪Includes linked expense orders.
Further information