This section provides a brief overview of the new and enhanced features introduced in Jim2 Version 4.4, along with further build updates.
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It's worth returning regularly to this page, as it will be continually updated as new additions and changes are made. |
Please see here for information on upgrading Jim2.
Follow the links for more detailed information and instructions.
▪Debtors – Ability to apply a prepayment to a particular job from the Debtors screen.
▪New Preview panes for Debtors and Creditors.
▪Debtors – Advanced Creditors.
▪Debtors List calculation changes.
▪Lodgement References – can now be included in ABA files when sending to debtors and creditors.
▪Ability to issue bulk cheque remittance advices.
▪Bulk Payments enhancements:
–show selected only
–now supports creditors
–can now import bulk payments
–bulk payments can now finish active PO's when importing payments
–ability to select purchase (including Active)/invoice
–Auto match purchase orders to current amount in purchase order selection screen (from oldest to newest only)
–save bulk payments and import later
–view imported payments via Session#
–show PO status for creditors.
▪Bank feeds can now be brought in to Jim2 to speed up the bank reconciliation process.
▪Settlements manage the process of bulk payments received from institutions such as Integrapay, Tyro and eWay and Instant Pay.
Advanced Warehouse Management
▪Ability to scan serial numbers.
▪Ability to print Number Plates report from stock picking screen.
▪Ability to choose preselected serial numbers.
▪Picking screen is now sorted by bin rank, depending on picking order selection in warehouse management options.
▪Allow picking from job list when some jobs are locked.
▪New option to set job status automatically when picking stock
▪Bidirectional job ticket synchronisation between Autotask PSA and Jim2.
▪Centralised invoicing from Jim2 that includes all labour and hardware billing items from Autotask PSA.
▪Bidirectional B2B customer and contact syncing with smart filtering.
▪Automatic creation of products in Autotask PSA from Jim2 stock.
▪Stock availability syncing from Jim2 to Autotask PSA.
▪Autotask PSA ticketed actual labour data synchronised to Jim2.
▪Jim2 ticket and invoice numbers synchronised to Autotask PSA for better visibility and easy reference.
▪Autotask PSA subscription billing sync into Jim2 – Coming soon.
▪Bidirectional contract syncing with smart filtering – Coming soon.
▪New Logon types
▪Time Sheet – you can now add group totals in grouping.
▪Create job, quote, project when clicking on Card Code in a cardfile header.
▪Open Parent card from Ship card.
▪Status widget now displays probability percent and total amount.
▪Job widget now displays Item Group filter and Job Due Date filter, and includes a checkbox to exclude $0 jobs, as well as Display Total Ex and Inc in Details grid.
▪Job Type updated to be multi-select.
▪New Published List, Published List Count and Watchout widgets.
▪Documents – show the document creation date when viewing a document list from an object.
▪Alloys vendor stock feed available.
▪Vendor Discount field in Vendor feeds.
▪eBusiness Stockfeeds – create email action to process stock feeds.
▪Vendor Stockfeeds must have the B2B Module added and enabled to ensure the emailing in of Vendor Feeds adheres to the rules which restrict the time of day they can run.
▪Office 365 Graph API now supported for multi-factor authentication.
▪Email macro added for Job.InvDetails.ShipAttn.First Name.
▪Show in editor finds related emails first.
▪See who has marked an email as Read.
▪Support for Google Workspace for Gmail email access.
▪Email rule to autolink email to a purchase order.
Happen Pay
▪Ability for customers to securely store credit cards for future purchases – coming soon.
▪Use rounding account for invoice journal.
▪Jes must be running to be able to invoice.
▪Method to not print when bulk invoicing on $0 jobs
▪Ship address management
▪Linked parent-child portal setup
▪Product attributes
▪Customer-specific catalogues
▪Customer-specific freight options
▪Now available for Android devices.
▪New version of Jim2.Mobile with a completely new look and feel.
▪Link an auto created manufacturing job to the sales job.
▪Delivery Notes can now be added to the Invoice Details tabs.
▪Ability to auto-create manufacturing jobs.
▪Prefill Cust and Ship Attn with selected Cust# and Ship# cardfile contact on Invoice Details tab.
▪Dispatch – Added StarTrack Express as a dispatch option.
▪Job List – Ability to filter $0 jobs.
▪Split Company Name from Address field on Invoice Details with Address Type flag.
▪Added Qty count and weight to Jobs.
▪Attributes in List – running an advanced quote list allows selection of stock attributes to narrow down your search.
▪Bulk Cheque Remittance Advices – easily issue multiple advices from a chequebook list.
▪Filter by User Groups available in cardfile, job and quote lists.
▪Job Lists – show Item Make, along with the Ship Address field.
▪Set stock to a non-report group within a stock list, ie. remove from current and add to new group.
▪Stock List now has Cost column.
Managed Print Services
▪Assets – to simplify management of the physical item, ie. a photocopier, printer, etc. The Asset keeps all history of a machine in one place, rather than on individual contracts.
▪Assets – Documents, Notes and Watchouts are now available.
▪Billing Engine – completely revamped to speed up the billing process.
▪Contract Variations – make changes to contracts (ie. new meter pricing, etc.) and track variations with ease from within a contract.
▪Jes – automatically fill in Ship for meter billing purchase orders that are for specific machines or masters.
▪Meter Setup – added calculation field to show $ amount of CPC Rate x Min Volume = Base.
▪New Billing filters in contract list.
▪Email and Comment grid now appears within a contract.
▪Add Contract Ref to project import.
▪Ability to import Item meters.
▪Added support for MPS Monitor.
▪Contracts – New Finance Information tab.
▪Meter Billing – Added global option for machine billing to use next bill date for pricing rather than from date.
▪EKM – New EKM device preview.
▪eBusiness Page Count – Xerox device connector
▪Jes – Automatically populate Ship for meter billing purchase orders that are for specific machines or masters.
▪Multi-Company is a new (licensed) feature added to Jim2 to allow running one database for multiple companies.
▪Intercompany buy and sell feature.
▪Sales Register – Added new home currency Total Ex and Balance Due columns when MC on sell is enabled.
▪Import Budgets now possible via an import script.
▪Import Opening Balances – now an option to clear existing.
▪Import Stock Procurement – now possible to add attributes to the import.
▪Import Stock – added GTI Num and Mnf. Part Code to stock import.
▪Preview Panes now available in Cardfile/Quote/Job/Purchase and Stock screens, providing greater insights into customer transactions, such as show last 10 stock items supplied, etc.
▪Price TF/TP now driven by the Jim2 object, rather than global variables.
▪Two new Price Calc Methods (Last PO COGS + Markup/Margin).
▪Management Reports – a new Stock Profit By Customer report that includes labour.
▪Invoicing – use rounding account for invoice journals.
▪Scripts – hook added to intercept email sending from script.
▪When entering Comments in most areas, you can now opt to use the Tab key to space when adding comments. See here for more information.
▪Jes must be running to be able to invoice.
▪Email and Comment grid now appear within a project.
▪New Billing filters in Project List.
▪Projects – Create report that exports project list in Jim2 import format.
Promotional Pricing
▪All Projects checkbox added to promotional pricing to quickly apply stock promo pricing to all projects.
▪Load Recipients – option to load from CardFile or Project list.
▪Export promotions, export data and export grid added to right click options.
▪New Bid Ref# field in PO header.
▪Create Asset from received PO.
▪Vendor Quantity/Price breaks.
▪Added Priority and estimated date of departure on purchase order header.
▪Ability to exclude stock from stock on hand that is sitting on ready/reserved jobs when autocreating PO.
▪Delivery notes can now be added to the Invoice Details tab.
▪Attribute filter on quote list.
▪Phone and Email fields can be added to quote shipping details on Invoice Details tab.
▪Ability to show quantity available in stock grid via Tools > Options > Quotes, or right click within grid to show Stock Availability column.
▪Added Qty count and weight to Quotes.
▪New Stock Profit by Customer report that includes labour.
▪New Expense Orders Pending report.
▪Include Meter Reading Spreadsheet Report with Standard Meter Invoices.
▪Select multiple resources for Holiday task.
▪Hook added to intercept email sending from script.
▪Scripting – Allow for custom processing following processing of vendor feed.
▪Effective Security Groups, allowing users to belong to more than one security group.
▪New option to stop people editing stock description on Applies stock in jobs.
▪Ability to import vendor stock prices.
▪Ability to see stock availability per bin in Attribute selection screen.
▪Attributes – Ignore attributes when checking stock availability.
▪Stock Picking – new user security to not allow manual serial selection in picking.
▪Ability to locate stock by GTI Number.
▪New Alternate Stock field added to stock.
▪Support for WYSIWYG stock description.
▪Added Parent Stock Code on Details tab of stock code.
▪Allow importing of vendor pricing via Jim2 UI
Tools > Options
–You can enter new company names, and change existing names.
–new system default reports (labelled v2) that offer a choice of styles.
–select a colour to instantly change the colour of reports – globally.
▪auto show stock select window on invalid stock code.
▪auto show stock location and attributes within the stock select window.
▪Quotes – New option to always show 'Qty Avail' column in stock grid.
User Interface
▪Scroll Bars – make the scroll bars stay on screen by switching off the auto-hide functionality via Jim2 button.
▪Multi-Screen Jim2 – run multiple copies of Jim2 for the same database without using an extra licence.
▪New Customer Feedback button.
▪WebAPI – 'Simple support for creating Project.
▪WebAPI – 'Simple support for creating CardFiles.
▪WebAPI – 'Simple support for creating Quotes.
▪WebAPI – 'Simple support for creating Purchase Orders.
▪Web API – Be able to queue requests via the B2B queue.