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Navigation: Jim2 Functions > Quotes

Quote Stock Availability

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If you always want to show stock availability in the quote stock grid go to Tools > Options > Quote.


stock avail options


Tick this box to show the Qty Avail column within the stock grid of a quote.




You can also right click within the stock grid of a quote and select Stock Availability.


rc stock availability


This will populate the Qty Avail. column with all stock available.



Note: This column does not continually update – it will only provide a snap shot at that point in time.


For example, if you change the location, it won't update, nor will it update if you go into the quote two days later. The field will appear blank once the screen is refreshed.


To see the Qty avail on the fly you will need to right click and select Show Availability.


stock avail


The background colour of the first column will change as per below:

Green – all stock is available


Orange – some stock is available


Red – no stock is available.
