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Jim2® Business Engine Help File

Navigation: Multi-Company

Multi-Company Security

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On the ribbon, go to Tools > Security and set up security for all users.


companies security



Security is universal for all companies. Security on individual companies cannot be set up. See Security for more information.


Which users/user groups have access to companies can be controlled to allow editing/viewing only.


There is also a setting under Job Security to allow selling from intercompany locations, as well as a setting under Purchases Security to allow intercompany purchases.


The ability to add, edit, view and amend management reports, etc. is handled via Jim2 Security.


Management Security

To enable other users to view specific areas, select the appropriate Security Group, click Edit and expand the Management (and sub-folder) checkbox.


management security


The image above shows all the security settings available for Management.


Choose what the user is able to do.


Checkbox settings:





Will only return results for what is ticked.


Will not return results for any unticked boxes.


Will return results for all of the above.


Security Choices


Please see User Group – Tags/Category Groups for more in-depth information on Management security.


Further information
