Contract Variations |
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The following lists the available default variation actions and their meaning.
New Meter/Contract Setup ▪The current setup will be compared against the existing variation. ▪Difference found: A new variation will be created that starts on the bill date. ▪Existing variation: Will have an end date set to the next bill date. This means the existing variation starts and ends on the same day, it will then be made inactive.
Error if different ▪The current setup will be compared against the existing variation. ▪Difference found: An error will occur.
Most Recent Variation ▪The current setup will not be checked. Existing variations will be used.
New Meter/Contract Setup for Last Variation ▪If there is no e;xisting variation, or the existing variation is the last one (ie. it has no end date), it will be compared to the current setup. ▪Difference found: A new variation will be created that starts on the next bill date. ▪Existing variation: Will have an end date set to the next bill date. This means the existing variation starts and ends on the same day, it will then be made inactive.
Update Existing or New Meter/Contract Setup for Last Variation ▪The current setup will be compared against the existing variation. ▪Updatable Difference found: The existing variation will be updated to use the current setup. This will affect any previous invoices or purchase orders linked to the existing variation. A copy of the existing variation will be made to record changes made. ▪Difference found and existing variation is not the last: An error will occur. ▪Difference found with start date matching last variation: A new variation will replace the existing variation. ▪Difference found and no existing variation, or existing is after the last variation start: A new variation will be created that starts on the next bill date.
Update Existing Variation, Error if different ▪The current setup will be compared against the existing variation. ▪Updatable Difference found: The existing variation will be updated to use the current setup. This will affect any previous invoices or purchase orders linked to the existing variation. A copy of the existing variation will be made to record changes made. ▪Difference found: An error will occur.
Update Existing or New Meter/Contract Setup After Last Variation ▪The current setup will be compared against the existing variation. ▪Updatable Difference found: The existing variation will be updated to use the current setup. This will affect any previous invoices or purchase orders linked to the existing variation. A copy of the existing variation will be made to record changes made. ▪Difference found and current setup is on or before the last variation: An error will occur. ▪Difference found and no existing variation or existing is after the last variation start: A new variation will be created that starts on the next bill date.
The difference between Updatable and Different: ▪Is Updatable means there are no changes in the dollar value for billing, or who it is billed to. It is updating the previous variation with any changes to date, customer reference, etc. ▪Is Different means there is a change in the dollar amount and billing. A new variation will result in creating billing at a different price, or to a different cardfile to the previous variation.
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