Google Workspace Setup

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Sign-In with Google to sync your email to other apps. This leverages the OAuth method of authentication already used by the vast majority of third-party apps and devices.


To correctly set up Gmail access using a Google Workspace account, the following needs to be done by the user that has access to the Google Admin Console as a super administrator (usually the company’s administrator/IT support person):


A service account needs to be created for the company to use to access emails on behalf of users in the domain).


In this process, you will create a private key JSON file that you need to save.  This needs to have Domain-wide Delegation enabled for the service account.


hmtoggle_arrow1Step 1: Create a project


hmtoggle_arrow1Step 2: Turn on the API's for the service account


hmtoggle_arrow1Step 3: Set up the OAuth consent screen


hmtoggle_arrow1Step 4: Create the service account


hmtoggle_arrow1  Step 5. Set up email accounts in Jim2


hmtoggle_arrow1Setting up Outbound Email for all Accounts via Gmail SMTP


hmtoggle_arrow1Setting up inbound and outbound email for individual accounts



Email Options

Email Setup

Set up Email Tag

Set up Email Folder
