Sell Stock in Advance

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Whilst it is not advisable to sell stock in advance if the desire is to maintain strict and correct stock control, the following are the steps required to sell stock in advance.



Serialised or special stock cannot be sold in advance.


This is set up via Tools > Security > Jobs > Stock on Jobs > Sell Stock in Advance.


sell in advance


This is a global setting, not workstation.


There are also further choices via Tools > Options > Job > Stock:


sell in advance security


When users add stock to a job and there is no stock on hand, Jim2 pops up the following, based on what has been set up above.


supply in advance


Users can also set this default at a stock record level, overriding the global default above.


stock details supply



Even though both are global settings, the user can choose from any of the following, at any time.


stock in advance options


A warning will pop to screen when you try to sell stock in advance that is linked to a purchase order but not received.


stock in advance warning



On the Transactions tab of a stock code, you can locate stock that has been sold in advance with no purchase order for it yet. Under the PO# column, you will see a -1 – this indicates that no purchase order has yet been raised.


sold in advance


Further information

Closing Financial Year FAQs about stock sold in advance

Backfill Stock Sold in Advance