Installation and Configuration

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Step 1 – Install or create a certificate on the Jim2 Server

Assuming a self-signed certificate is ok, use PowerShell to create it.




$rootcert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -CertStoreLocation cert:\LocalMachine\My -DnsName "Jim2 API Self Signed CA" -KeyUsage DigitalSignature,CertSign


New-SelfSignedCertificate -CertStoreLocation cert:\LocalMachine\My -DnsName "DNS or IP " -Signer $rootcert -KeyUsage KeyEncipherment,DigitalSignature -NotAfter (Get-Date).AddYears(10)


This will generate the Thumbprint you need in the next step


Thumbprint        Subject                                                                                                                                

----------         -------  




Step 2 – Configure certificate usage

Admin Command Prompt on Jim2 Server:





Use the SHOW Command to check for existing configurations:


SHOW urlacl

SHOW sslcert


Run these commands, being sure to use values applicable to your setup:


The IP or DNS needs to match that of the certificate.

The IP Port needs to available and matched the one setup in JES Config.


add sslcert hostnameport=test.happenlocal:44X certhash=74F0BD2BBCB98202363EB53BDAB1CC5402146C96 appid={21AB409C-FAE1-4F71-9971-E86180CC7FF8} certstorename=MY


add sslcert certhash=74F0BD2BBCB98202363EB53BDAB1CC5402146C96 appid={21AB409C-FAE1-4F71-9971-E86180CC7FF8} certstorename=MY


add sslcert ipport= certhash=74F0BD2BBCB98202363EB53BDAB1CC5402146C96 appid={21AB409C-FAE1-4F71-9971-E86180CC7FF8} certstorename=MY


Certhash = the thumbprint from step 1

Appid = use the above is fine.


You only need a host entry if you are using it, an IP & 0.0.0 entry will suffice if not needed.


Add urlacl url=https://*:44X/Jim_Test/ user="NT AUTHORITY\System"



Important that this urlacl is matched to the Root API entry in the web API entry JES


Step 3 – Configure certificate usage

Configure JES – Add the WebAPI Module








OAthKey can be whatever you want – It is the “ClientID” in the postman example.


Save and restart Jes.


The Jim2 Users web login comes from here:




When you save, you will be prompted for a password, you will need this – it is the Client Secret in the postman example.


Further information

Jim2 API



Jim2WebAPIGetData System Table

JimScriptUrlHandler System Table

Example Host and Auth Values

Postman Auth Example

Post and Patch Calls

After Restoring from a Backup