Create an Email Template

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1.To create a new template, go to Email > Email Templates.


1.Click Add.


2.Enter a template name to describe this template, and also add the subject which will be used in each email that is created with this template.

3.Add above and below {{Body}} any text and macros to be automatically included in each email.


4.Using the Text tab, format the font, however standard fonts to use can be set up in Email Options.


The Subject line can include macros, as shown in this example: Auto response for Ticket#{{Job.JobNo}}.


{{Body}} allows for the inclusion of comments when emailing, ie. entering extra information.


Selecting a default template for emails

On the ribbon, go to Email > Editor Rules. In the Default Template field, select the first template to be used. In the Source field, select the applicable email source (Email New, Email Reply, etc.)




Click Save.



An email template can be copied (much like the Create Similar function), then edited to alter the information to suit.




Further information

Basic Email Macros

Email Templates


How to

Create a Default Email Template

Create an Email Template

Set up and Use Random Email Templates

Use Email Templates