Management Reports

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management reports


Reports can be printed from within most Jim2 objects, however management reports (system, profit, labour, etc.) are reports that are not related to an individual record, form or list. On the ribbon, go to Management > Reports.


Access to Management Reports is governed by a user's security level.


The following Reports screen will open:


management reports window


Reports are grouped under these subjects:


Advance Warehouse

GST – Although still listed here, these GST reports are no longer used (use GST sessions in accounting instead), and the following warning will appear:


gst warning

Integrations – any integration reports will show here.

Job Reports

My Reports, including reports created by, and available only to the current user.

Stock Reports


Top x


Reports can be saved so that parameters don't need to be re-entered, as well as providing the ability to export raw data to a spreadsheet. This functionality is currently available in the Stock Profit and Top X reports. The saved report is visible to all who have access to management reports.


saved reports



The reports available for printing are affected by Report Level Security. When logging on to Jim2, your user ID will ensure the correct level of access to available reports. Some reports may not show in the dropdown list, depending on the user's security level.


Each object in Jim2 can be reported on, therefore each object is supplied with a suite of relevant reports. The actual printing devices available must have been previously set up in Options.



If necessary, the standard reports included with Jim2 can be modified to suit, or others can be designed using the Jim2 Report Designer. The ability to use standard scripts within Jim2 Reports, ensures that Jim2 can grow to suit the company's requirements.


Further information


Advanced Warehouse

Job Reports

My Reports

Stock Reports

System Reports

Top x Reports