Return to Vendor Tabs

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The following tabs within a Return to Vendor form access the following relevant information for that return:        


Return button

This tab will bring up the return stock grid where users record the stock being returned to the vendor. When opening any return, this is the active tab.


The following features are located as buttons within a Return to Vendor form.


add all stock button1

Once selected, all stock from the original purchase order will be added to the stock grid.


If editing, Cancel will ignore all changes made and leave the return in View mode. If adding, Cancel will attempt to abort adding this return. The next return added will be allocated the same unique Return# if it is still available. Because other users may be adding returns at the same time this return was created, the sequence of return numbers may be interrupted by a Cancel. In this instance, it is an automated feature of Jim2 to create an empty return with the status of Cancel.

Save Button

All edits represent a change to the information in the Return to Vendor form. By clicking Save, all changes made during editing the return will be saved, and the return will remain in the Nav Tree.

Save and Close Button

All edits represent a change to the information in the return form. By clicking Save & Close, all changes made during editing the return will be saved, and the return itself will be closed from view and from the Nav Tree.

Edit Button

By clicking Edit, make changes on the Return to Vendor form. All changes made in that session of editing will not be saved until Save or Save & Close is clicked.

Close Button

By clicking Close, close the current Return to Vendor form.


Further information

Add a Return to Vendor

Add a Return to Vendor Against a Different Vendor

Add a Return to Vendor Against Multiple PO's

Add Restocking Fees on a Return to Vendor

Add Stock to a Return to Vendor

Add Vendor Discount

Return to Vendor Footer

Return to Vendor Header

Return to Vendor List

Return to Vendor Status

Return to Vendor stock grid

Return to Vendor Tabs

Handle Stock Returned on a Debtors PO

Unprint a Return to Vendor

View or Edit a Return to Vendor