Return to Vendor Footer

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The bottom section of the Return to Vendor form contains buttons, tabs and information relating to the dollar totals of the RTV.


RTV Footer


The fields within the footer are described below:


Tax $ Column

Sub Total $

Tax component of the stock.

Freight $

Tax component of the freight.

Account Fee $

Tax component of the account fee.

Total $

Total tax component of the return.


Amount Column

Sub Total $

Shows the stock total being returned.

Freight $

This field shows the freight component of the return.

Account Fee $

This field shows the value of the account fee charged.

Total $

Total of the return.



The tabs that are common to many objects are explained below.





This tab displays any documents attached to this RTV, eg. a signed delivery note.


This tab will display all watchouts related to this RTV, and allows addition of new watchouts.


This tab will display all notes related to the RTV, including the contact that the note is related to. New notes can be added here.


This tab will display all tasks (appointments, phone calls, to do's, etc.), related to this RTV, as well as allowing adding new tasks.


Tasks can only be utilised if Scheduling is licensed. If not, the following warning will appear:



If this RTV is part of promotional pricing, this tab will show which promotions are related. Unticking Active Only, will show all promotions, including those that are finished.




Narrow the information down by choosing either to Display Promotion or Promotion with all Stock.



Not all fields are showing in these images


The number on the right side of the icon denotes the number of active promotions applicable to this RTV.







The promotion code number.


The description as it appears on the promotion.


Displays the notes entered on the promotion.


The Jim2 object type, ie. specific pricing.


Lists cardfiles, price levels, etc. that relate to the promotion. If there are many cardfiles, it will show (multiple).



Our Ref

Our reference as appears on the promotion, if used.

Promo Break

Shows whether Promo Break is used or not.


Shows the home currency.


Ticked means that the promotion is currently active, unticked means the promotion has finished.

Date Start

Start date of the promotion.

Date End

End date of the promotion.


Vendor supplying the stock.

The fields below show only when Display Promotion with all Stock is selected.


Branch (if branches are enabled).

Stock Code

Stock code related to the promotional pricing.

Qty +

The promotion quantity plus.

Price Ex.

Ex GST price for that stock code.


Further information

Add a Return to Vendor

Add a Return to Vendor Against a Different Vendor

Add a Return to Vendor Against Multiple PO's

Add Restocking Fees on a Return to Vendor

Add Stock to a Return to Vendor

Add Vendor Discount

Return to Vendor Footer

Return to Vendor Header

Return to Vendor List

Return to Vendor Status

Return to Vendor stock grid

Return to Vendor Tabs

Handle Stock Returned on a Debtors PO

Unprint a Return to Vendor

View or Edit a Return to Vendor