Branches and GL Departments

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Jim2 can help track stock transactions (buying, selling and transferring) to branches, sub-branches and/or specific GL (general ledger) departments within the business. Therefore, the choice to limit whether users can buy, sell, return or transfer stock between branches is made by enabling specific choices via Jim2 Security.


If branches are being used, stock locations can be linked to specific branches. These branches are identified via their cardfiles.


The security settings to consider in line with overall management plans are:

in jobs – allow to sell or return from different branches and locations

in purchases – allow to purchase from different branches and locations

in stock transfers – allow to transfer from different branches and locations.



Enabling the use of branches at a later time may result in warning messages requiring selection of a branch in some objects where it wasn't required before. To overcome this, go to Tools > Options > Branches and untick Required, click Refresh and try the transaction again.




Once finished, tick Required again in Options.



Refresh icon (above the ribbon)


Upon completion of the transfer, return to this option and tick Required.


Throughout Jim2, if Branches, Sub-Branches and/or GL Departments are in use, these fields will appear in the headers of all objects and lists.


Further information

How Branches, Sub-Branches and GL Departments work

Branch Options

Set up Branches

Branch Pricing