Set up Branches

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This will explain how to add branches to the Jim2 database, and how to add logos to differentiate branches on invoices, quotes and purchase orders.


hmtoggle_arrow1Add cardfiles


hmtoggle_arrow1Enable branches


hmtoggle_arrow1Set up branches


hmtoggle_arrow1Add stock locations


hmtoggle_arrow1Add logos


Finalise the settings for branches as required in Tools > Options > General > Branches.




Default Branch Field



Choose this option if all transactions will require selection of a branch. Jim2 will not let users save the transaction without entering the branch.

Logged User

Jim2 will select the default branch from the logged user's cardfile.

Customer/Vendor (From)

Jim2 will select the default branch from the customer/vendor (from) cardfile in the transaction.

Account Manager

Jim2 will select the default branch from the account manager's cardfile (account manager selected against the customer/vendor cardfile.


Open the user cardfiles and select the default branch for each user.




Throughout Jim2, if branches, sub-branches and/or GL departments are in use, these fields will appear in the headers of all objects and lists.



If a branch is no longer required, it should remain active so any historical reporting is still correct, however Required can be unticked.


Further information

How Branches, Sub-Branches and GL Departments work

Branch Options

Branch Pricing