Kitting v Packaging v Manufacturing

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Kitting and Packaging cannot be used in conjunction with Manufacturing.



Kitting allows bundling of individual stock into kits. The individual stock codes which make up the kit are treated separately with regard to stock control, etc. but grouped in this way with a single stock code makes it much easier to choose when adding to a job or quote.


The kit must be created as a new stock code before it can be used, with individual components set up in the Kitting tab (in the stock record header). Once made, sell it as it is or delete /add components (dynamic kits only).


In kitting, also set special bundle prices for the overall kit, or individual stock costs within the kit. Jim2 will take the price proportions of the stock, and if the price of the kit is changed on the job, Jim2 can adjust the prices sensibly. For example, Jim2 will know that a DVD player is many times more expensive than the DVD it is bundled with.


Rules are that virtual stock and existing kits cannot form part of new kit.


Kitting involves:

a)The stock code that is to be kitted (assembled).

b)The stock codes to be used in the kit.

c)A job, which is where the kit is sold. When the kit is sold, the customer sees the kitted stock code on their invoice, however Jim2 understands it is invoicing the individual components.



A kit cannot be used in another kit or package. It cannot be purchased.



Packaging is like creating a kit, then storing the created kit as stock, ie. create the package and Jim2 understands that the individual components have now been locked away, unavailable for another job. This means Jim2 knows packaged kits are on hand for sale. The pack type and the default content for the packaging is set up and maintained via the stock record. An example of a package would be a hamper containing different things that has actually been made up and is sitting in stock as such.


A second packaging process is run to indicate that the building process has taken place. Jim2 will then manage serialised identification on individual packages or batch numbers on batch packaging. The packaging process becomes part of the workflow, where each packaging session can be monitored through defined status milestones.


At the end of the packaging process, the quantity of packaged kits will be available as stock on hand.

Packaging is a bundle.

Packaging is kits in stock (no journal).

Packaging is easier to break up by unpackaging (even if some has been sold).

A component can be returned.

Costings don’t include labour.

Pricing rules are fixed, list or less than (cannot be Cost +).


Packaging involves:

a)The stock code that is to be packaged (assembled).

b)The stock codes to be used in the package.

c)A packaging session, which is where the stock codes in point b) are configured to produce the stock code in point a).


Once a package has been packaged, it appears in a stock list as stock on hand. It does not increase the inventory asset balance.



Stock codes used in packaging sessions cannot be sold individually – only within the finished package. When the package is sold, the customer sees the package stock code on their invoice, however Jim2 understands it is invoicing the individual components.


A package cannot be used in another package or kit. It cannot be purchased.



Manufactured stock is stock that the business makes itself, ie. fabricates from the ground up, assembles from purchased components, creates by other methods, etc. Jim2 can create both single level and multilevel manufactured stock.


The Manufacturing process in Jim2 involves:

a)The stock code that is to be manufactured.

b)The stock codes used in the manufacture process, including parts and labour.

c)A manufacturing Item, which is where the Bill of Materials is stored.

d)A manufacturing job, which is where the stock codes in point b) are consumed and manufactured into point a).



Once a part has been manufactured at single level, it cannot be used in another manufactured part. However, multilevel (fixed) can be used.


See Manufacturing for more detail on single level and multilevel manufacturing.


Further information


