Jes Configuration File

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The Jes configuration file is normally managed by the Jim2 Configuration Manager. The configuration file is an XML file. The name of the file must be Jes_config_dbname.xml. Where dbname is the name of the Jim2 database, the file must be located in the same directory as the Jes.exe file.


This contains three elements: ServiceConfig, BEConfig, and JesConfig. The ServiceConfig element contains service related configuration options. BEConfig contains Jim2 related options. JesConfig contains Jes related configuration options.



Has no user content at present.



The Business Engine Config element contains the following elements:



Contains the user ID for Jes. This is normally set to sys.



The name of the host machine for Jim2's SQL Server database (include the SQL Server instance).



This is only used if Happen has developed some customer-specific Jim2 event handlers.



The integration server config contains a ModuleList element that lists the modules to be loaded into the server at runtime. Each module is added via a Module element whose name attribute names the module to be loaded. The module element contains one or more param elements that define the parameters for each module.


The Module element can have a disabled attribute. If set to true, the module will not be loaded. This allows a module to be effectively removed from Jes without losing its configuration.



Refer to Jes Modules for the list of modules that ship with Jes.


Example Configuration File

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>













<Module name='Core'></Module>

<Module name='B2BIn'>

<param name='SystemuserID' value='SYS' />

<param name='OrderItemCode' value='WEB' />

<!-- <param name='OrderItemDesc' value='Online Order' /> -->

<param name='CleanupHours' value='168' />


<Module name='TCP'>

<param name='ListenPort' value='5740'/>






Further information

Jim2 eBusiness Server

Jes Administration Management

Jes Modules