Jim2 eBusiness Server (Jes)

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The Jim2 eBusiness Server (Jes) is a service that runs on the same machine as Jim2 Server, and is the process into which modules are loaded to achieve the functionality required, based on the Jim2 licence.


The services that Jes can be set up to provide include things such as:

Backend infrastructure for Website

Interface for external systems

Processing Price Feeds from External Sources

Notification Services

Custom Modules


Licensing for Jes is achieved through enabling broad features, and also by allowing specific modules. For example, the Jim2 may include eBusiness Supply, but to be able to receive orders via CSV files, the POCSVImport module also be licensed.


Backend Infrastructure for Websites

Jes provides all the backend infrastructure for Jef (Happen's Jim2 eBusiness Framework). This includes features such as eBusiness Service and eBusiness Page Counts. For customers using inhouse or websites developed by third parties, some integration with Jim2 can be achieved via Jes. For example, online orders can be submitted into Jim2 via Jes.


Interface for External Systems

Jes is for customers that have a requirement to send information into or out of the Jim2. This information can be:


Jobs to be Created in Jim2

For example, a customer may have a website or other external system that needs to create jobs in Jim2. These can be sales jobs (eg. online orders) or service jobs (eg. online service requests).


Adding Comments and Labour Time to Jobs

External systems can add labour and/or comments to existing jobs in Jim2.


Price Feeds

Price feeds from suppliers can be automatically processed, and the supplier price data imported into Jim2. To use the functionality of Jes, external systems must construct an XML document detailing the request, and forward that request to Jes by one of the supported mechanisms.


Notification Services

Notification services are enabled. The Jes notification services plugin can be configured to send emails according to rules based on:

Job Due

Job Status Due

Account manager

Job name (ie. the user job is allocated to)

Job Status.


For example notification services can be configured:

to send an email to the account manager when a job goes an hour past the Job Status Due,

and send an email to the name on the job ten minutes before the status is due when a job is on a PICKING status.


Custom Modules

Where Happen develops customised solutions, this may include a custom module that will be loaded into the Jes process. Functionality that can be provided through custom modules includes integration with third party systems for notification of events, import of data, and more.


Further information

Jes Administration/Management

Jes Configuration File

Jes Modules