Manage Invoicing Multiple Masters

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If one customer has multiple master contracts, set up the customer cardfile accordingly. Open the customer cardfile and go to the Customer tab. Change the Batch Inv. Group by to Master contract.


This setting is always required for finance jobs.


batch invoice by master


Run a Ready Job List for that customer:


ready job list master


Click Invoice Job on the ribbon, and the batch invoicing screen will appear.


batch invoice master


Untick all Master Project#, and leave the one to be invoiced ticked. Click Invoice.


Invoicing this contract using the the Invoice Meters – Master report, following is the result:


invoice master


An example of the finance component is: the finance company only sees that 10,000 pages were billed, even though there were actually 13,000 pages billed. This is due to hiding the overs.


Further Information

Invoice 3rd Party for Labour

Manage Invoicing Multiple Masters

Produce a Summary Invoice