Remove Logon Panel from Meter Read Page

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To save confusion, it is often best to remove the logon panel from the Meter Reads page. This assumes that the meter read links are being emailed, including the embedded username and password.

1.Log on to the the eBusiness Meter Reads website as an administrator.

2.Select Site Admin > Manage from the menu.

3.Click Pages from the menu.

4.Select the Meter Reads page and click Edit.

edit meter reads page

5.From the Page Settings panel select the Template dropdown list and change the value to eBusiness No Logon (it may say Default No Logon).

no logon

6.Also ensure Access Anonymous is ticked.

access anonymous

7.Click Save at the bottom of the page.

8.Click Publish Pages from the menu, then click Publish.

publish pages meter reads


The customer will no longer see the logon panel when entering web reads.



Clicking Revert will discard all changes made and revert to the original.


Further information

Managing Your Website

Design Mode Introduction

Steps to Set up a New Page