Customising JEF

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Generally, website should be able to be managed using the existing modules supplied by Happen Business.


Custom Modules

If required, Happen Business can develop custom modules for JEF. These should be uploaded to the Custom directory (see Jef Directory Structure below).


Custom Images

Custom images to be referenced in HTML on the website (eg. logo, maps etc.) should be uploaded to the Custom directory or a sub directory thereof.


Custom Themes

Jef is supplied with a set of themes for making a choice from. If none of the themes are suitable, create a custom theme. Do not edit the supplied themes, as these themes will be replaced during future upgrades, and any changes made to these themes will be lost.


Jef uses the standard ASP.NET version 4.6 mechanism for themes. Creating a theme is an advanced customisation, and ASP.NET theme experience is recommended before attempting to create a custom theme.


When creating a theme, create a new theme from scratch or copy one of the supplied schemes, then edit the theme as required. It is suggested to try copying an existing theme and modify it, testing the changes along the way.


Jef Directory Structure

Jef follows the standard .NET directory structure when installing and upgrading.


Note that the Jef upgrade process will remove files it does not know about from the web server with a few exceptions as follows:


App_Themes directory

The Jef upgrade process will not touch any themes not shipped with JEF. Themes shipped with Jef will be reinstalled during the upgrade process.


Custom directory

The contents of the Custom directory will not be changed during the upgrade process. If uploading an image using the HTML editor component, the image will be uploaded to the Custom\Images directory.


Adding custom files (logo etc.)

Any logos, custom HTML pages, custom user controls, etc. should be placed into the custom directory to ensure they are not lost during the upgrade process.


Custom theme(s)

If possible, name the custom theme(s) with a leading underscore (eg _HappenCustomTheme) to avoid the risk of future themes shipped with Jef overwriting the custom theme.


Service Requests Supports Service Meter Reads

Jef can be configured to allow/require service meters when submitting a service request.


MPS Service Request


Further information

Before Installing JEF

System Requirements

Hosting/ISP Checklist

Jef Setup

Managing Your Website

Customising JEF


eBusiness Service