Go to Tools > Integration Configuration.
1.API Credentials
Enter API credentials – This will need to be obtained from Ricoh.
Note: Once these are entered, click ‘Save’ then action the ‘Stock Tab’ setup in ‘Mappings’ area – see #4 below, before continuing to #2.
2.Job config setup
▪Store Job Reference In – Select which field you would like to use to store the job reference number from Ricoh.
▪Job Template Name – Select the default project template you would like Jim2 to execute when job from Ricoh is created.
▪Upload once only – Tick if you only want to send job data once when the job status is changed to ‘Parts’ (or whatever ‘return to fit’ status is selected in the integration config) for the first time.
▪Parts Status – Select the status to send to Ricoh when a job is waiting for parts (return to fit).
▪Stock Tab – ‘Fetch Attributes’ will grab required codes from Ricoh and create new attributes in Tools > Setups > Stock Attributes. Three new non-depleting stock codes for ‘Cause’, ‘Problem’ and ‘Repair’ will need to be created and select/link corresponding attribute for each.
▪Labour Tab – Select all possible labour types for the API to pick up the start, end date and time from. One start and one end required. If more than one labour type is set up, the earliest start date and time will be used.
▪Meter Tab – Select the Jim2 meter type for black and colour service read reporting.
▪Comment Tab – Provides the ability to select whether certain info from Ricoh is required to be added to Comments grid.
Select how often you would like to grab new and cancelled jobs from Ricoh.