The Pane Splitter

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The vertical splitter is activated by hovering the mouse over the vertical split-bar, then dragging left or right to resize.


vert pane split


The horizontal splitter is activated by hovering the mouse over the horizontal split-bar, then dragging up or down to resize.


hor pane split


This example shows six consecutive months of a year displayed in the Date area. To display that many months (the default being one month), the vertical splitter was dragged to the left by one column, and the horizontal splitter was dragged down by two rows.


6 month calendar view



By default, the Calendar/To-Do Tasks layout is not automatically saved. To force Jim2 to remember the preferred layout, eg. the one on the right, click the pin pin icon icon in the top right corner, click the Refresh icon, then log off.


At each log on, when opening the Schedule, the saved calendar layout will be used. If the pane splitters are used later on, to change the calendar layout the above procedure must be usedto save this new layout, or it will revert to the default (single-month) view at future log on or when reopening the Schedule screen.


Further Information

General Layout

Calendar Layout