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Jim2® Business Engine Help File

User Group – Tags/Category

group management


User Groups allow tagging a user card file to a specific User Group Category, and one or more User Group Tags. This allows Items to be allocated to user groups, rather than individual users, and is also used within the Security functionality to ease setup, and increase visibility of user security.


Importantly, User Groups are not tiered, or based on a user’s security group. For example, a user can be in a user group of service, but be in Security group of Service Level 1, or Service Manager.


Users can belong to one user group category, and one or more user group tags.


User Group Categories – Examples






User Group Tags – Examples

Level One Technician

Level Two Technician

Certificate A

Certificate B


Creating and Updating User Groups

You can create User Groups via Tools > Groups > User Groups. Select Tags or Category, then right click on (root) and select Add Group to add a new group.


add user group tag


Delete a user group by right clicking the group and selecting Delete Group.


To rename a user group, select the group, click once again and rename as required.


Adding Users to User Groups

Via User Groups

Open User Group Management via Tools > Groups > User Groups. Click on (root) in the left hand pane. Select one or more user(s) (using standard Windows multi-select Control+mouse click or Shift+mouse click), and drag the selected users into a group.


Add users to groups


Adding User Groups to a User’s Card File

You can also add user groups to a specific user as follows: Edit a user’s card file via CardFiles > View/Edit CardFile (or from a card file list). Click Edit, then select the User tab. Click on the ellipsis [...] of the User Groups selection field, and select the groups as required.


add user via cf


User Groups and Items

Jim2’s Items functionality fully supports User Groups. An Item allows you to specify which users a job (or quote) with this Item can be assigned to. You can specify this at both a user and user group level.


For example, by adding a user to the user group Service, any user in that group can be assigned a job (or quote) with an Item that has a user group Service.


To add a user group to an Item, edit the Item via Items > View/Edit Item (or from an Items list), click Edit, select the Item tab, then tick the user group tags or categories you wish to allow this Item to be assigned to.


add user group to item


Further information:


Adding Groups to an Object

Group Types

Groups in Action

Managing Groups

Ordering of Groups and Stock

Price Groups
