Add a Jes Instance

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Windows Powershell

Windows Powershell version 5.1 is a requirement if powershell scripting is to be used. If Powershell 5.1 is not already installed, you will need to install Windows Management Framework 4.1 from here: (copy and paste into a web browser) for more information.


Jim2 Configuration Manager (Jim2CM.exe) can be found here on the Jim2 Server: Program Files\HappenBusiness\Jim2Server folder.


To add a new Jes instance, open the Jim2 Configuration Manager), then select New Jes Instance from the file menu.




The Database Name screen will display. The database name needs to match the name of the database that will use Jim2. In this example it is Jim_Demo.




Click OK. A confirmation will appear. Click Yes.




The Configuration Manager will create the new Jes instance, and it will appear in the list.




Start the instance by right clicking on Stopped and choosing Start from the pop-up menu, or configure it further (if required).




Further information

Handling of High Screen Resolutions

Ability to run multiple copies of Jim2

Anti Virus Exclusions

Jim2 Configuration Settings

Changing Servers and/or Databases

Install Jim2 on Your Server

Upgrading Jim2

Upgrade Older Database

Setup Wizard for Blank Database

Basic Setup of Jim2