Budgets – Manual

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Use this option to enter figures for the budget manually, instead of having Jim2 auto-calculate them.


On the ribbon, go to Management > Budgets and choose the budget to edit.


Once the financial year and budget type have been chosen, select Generate Budget on the bottom right of the screen to set up a basic configuration for the budget.


choose budget


Select the budget type Manual set up previously.


generate budget manual screen


Fin. Year

Choose which year to apply this budget to.


Set a budget for a specific branch (if branches are enabled), company or GL Department.


Choose whether the budget is for a specific account or for an account range.


Select None in order to enter manual values.

Click OK

Jim2 will generate the budget.


generated budget manual


Click View/Edit and manually edit the figures generated.


edit budget manual



Delete will clear the budget to start again.


Further information


Budgets – Autoadd

Import Budget

Set up Budgets