Dashboard Security

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Security is of critical importance, as dashboards can display confidential information, including the financial state of the business. Care must be taken when considering which users in the company are allowed to create and manage dashboards, as well as which dashboards they can view.


The creation and management of dashboards is generally performed by business owners or managers, and is handled via Jim2's traditional security. By default, only users with administration rights have this ability. There are two areas to manage security for dashboards. They are Tools > Security > Dashboard and Dashboard > Dashboard Security.


Tools > Security > Dashboards

The settings in Tools > Security > Dashboards enable restricting or allowing these dashboard functions:

View dashboards

Edit dashboard security

Manage dashboards and widgets.

dashboard security


Dashboard by User

To enable other users to view specific dashboard tabs:

1.select the Security Group

2.click Edit and tick the required boxes

dashboard security1

3.when finished, click Save.


Going to the By User tab and choosing someone from that security group will display the updated dashboard information.


dashboard security2


Go to the By Group tab:


dashboard security3


Select a number of users to compare their security side by side.


Dashboard Security

Dashboard Security allows control of which users can access which dashboard tabs. When creating a dashboard tab, by default it is only visible to you. On the ribbon, go to Dashboard > Dashboard Security and select which other users can view it. The tab will automatically appear in their dashboard when next viewed.


Various dashboard tabs are being created by management based on specific areas of the business, then (via dashboard security) controlling who is allowed to view these dashboards.


dashboard security icon


On the ribbon, go to Dashboard > Dashboard Security. Here, you can define even further, by allowing users or user security groups to access particular dashboards:


Dashboard Security5


Further information

Dashboard Layout

Dashboard Tabs

Dashboard Widgets
