Dashboard Widgets

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Widgets are used to display information within a dashboard tab, and is designed to display information from a particular area. It is configured as to what information from that area is to be displayed. For example, using the Account Watch widget, show this year's profit vs last year's, or current stock on hand vs the same period last year.


To add a widget to the current dashboard tab, go to Dashboard > Add Widgets.


add widgets


The following screen will open.


add widgets1


To add an account watch widget to the dashboard, tick Account Watch, then click OK.


A new Account Watch widget will then be displayed on the current dashboard tab.


configure dashboard button


Click the widget's Configure icon to set up the information that will be displayed (see Account Watch Widget for more information).



As many widgets as desired can be added to a dashboard tab, including the same widget multiple times. For example, add several account watch widgets, each configured to look at a different area of the company's financial information.


Jim2 has six standard system widgets:

Account Watch




Published List

Published List Count




Widgets are stored in the Jim2 database and can be imported in the same manner as reports.


Whenever Jim2 is updated, new widgets will be automatically imported and the existing ones updated.


Further information

Account Watch Widget

Dashboard Widgets Management

Debtors/Creditors Widget

Job Widget

Status Widget

Published List Widget

Watchout Widget