Dispatch Setups

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Control of what is actually able to be dispatched is defined at both ship location (this denotes the customer or site that this job will be shipped to or collected by upon completion) and ship via level. For example, ship via Collect or Email are not likely candidates, whereas Couriers Please and TNT would be. See Ship Via Setup.


Define whether any of the ship via methods can be used in Dispatch. The carrier code and carrier service can also be defined, as these are required by some courier services. It is advisable to confirm with the carrier the exact values required.


The dispatch list allows updating of Ship Via, Ship Ref and Cartons on both invoiced and ready jobs within the Dispatch List. These fields have a yellow background.





Note: By default, the dispatch list will only display jobs that are less than 100 days old, based on the date in. Should you wish to see more, a global variable can be added to accommodate this via Tools > Global Variables:




Additionally, a Run Dispatch Scripts function allows the execution of custom dispatch scripts (based on ship via) to allow printing of custom dispatch stickers or uploading of shipping information to carriers, etc.


Contact the Happen Sales Team (sales@happen.biz) for more information on this script if you wish to use custom stickers or shipping information uploads..



A dispatch list can be pinned, however a refresh rate cannot be set, nor can the name of the list be changed.


Further information

Delete a Dispatch Session


Use Dispatch

View, Print, or Export a Dispatch Session