Email Archive – Setup Configuration

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Where are archived emails stored?

Archived emails are exported to an XML file with the following naming convention: Archive_DBName_YYYYMMDD_X.xml (eg. Archive_Jim_Test_20190823_1.xml)


The folder in which archive files are written, along with how often email is archived for is configured via Jim2 eBusiness Server (Jes).


To set this up, on the server:

Run the Jim2 Configuration Manager. Locate this via the start menu in Windows under the Happen folder.

Highlight the Jes instance to configure.

config manager screen

Right click and select Configure.

Go to the Modules tab and select Core.

jes modules core

These parameters need to be updated by entering data into the Value fields, as in the examples below.

email jes configure

Jes Core Parameter

Value (Example)




The path to a folder where email archive files will be written. This needs to be a valid path accessible via the Jim2 Server.



The first date and time that emails should be archived. The format is yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+00:00.



The number of days between archiving operations.


Note: These rules can be run by entering the Archive Rules screen and selecting Run Archive Rules now.


archive rules icon


run archive now


Further information

Email Archiving

Email Archive Rules:


Execution Order


By Object and By Report

Applying Archive Rules



How to

Create an Email Archiving Rule

Restore Archived Emails