B2BIn |
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Name B2BIn
Licensing eBusiness Link or eBusiness Supply must be licensed.
Description Provides the inbound processing functionality, ie. the processing of online orders.
Parameters SystemuserID string The Jim2 user under which the order processing should be performed. If this is different to the SystemuserID configured for the Core module, an additional user licence may be used for order processing. Usually set to sys.
OrderItemCode string The Item code to use for new jobs created for orders.
OrderItemDesc string (optional) The Item description to enter on the job. The description from the Item itself is used if this is not specified.
QtyToBackOrder string (optional) When set, this setting overrides the Jim2 options setting for the supply or back order quantity to the ordered quantity in jobs. Set this to true to have jobs created with supply set to zero and back order set to the ordered quantity. Set this to false to have jobs created with supply set to the ordered quantity and back order set to zero.
CleanupHours integer The number of hours that must pass before processed and cancelled orders are cleaned up from the B2B queue.
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