Submit Orders

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The automatic submission of orders into Jim2 is managed by Jes.


Orders are submitted to Jes in the form of .xml documents. The structure of these documents is described by the .xml schema Jim2_B2B_SubmitOrder.xsd. This file is located in the Schemas\JesM_B2B sub-directory where Jes is installed. Normally, this would be C:\Program Files\Happen Business\Jes\Schemas\JesM_B2B. There is also documentation within this file.


The first thing to work out is the mechanism being used to submit the orders. Get orders into Jes either via email or by a shared directory (folder) accessible by the system (eg. website) and accessible by the Jes process. Some common scenarios are:


Hosted website

It is recommended to use email to submit orders. Refer to How to Submit Orders via Email.


Internal order system

Either email or shared directory may be appropriate. If the system is within the internal network and can easily access or provide a directory accessible by the Jes process, then using a shared directory is probably the appropriate mechanism. Refer to How to Submit Order by saving to file.


Further Information

How to Submit Orders by Saving to File

How to Submit Orders via Email