Submit Orders by Saving to File

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System Setup

For Jes to support receipt of orders via a shared directory, enable and configure the B2BIn and Shared Directory modules.


The Shared Directory (folder)

A directory must be set up that is accessible by the Client system and the Jes process. At a minimum, the Client system must be able to write files into this shared directory, but it is also recommended the Client system have the rights to rename files in this directory also (see below). The Jes process must have full access rights to this directory.



The Jes service is normally installed to run under the local system account, however this can be manually changed. Be aware there may be other security implications involved in changing the account under which Jes executes.


The Directory Contents

The content of the shared directory is controlled by means of the date/time stamp on files, the file extensions and naming conventions.

*.xml files

All files with .xml extension are expected to be XML documents to be processed by Jes.

*.in files

Reserved for use by Client systems to write files into the directory. These files should be temporary.

*.resp files

Successful response documents. These files are only written if Jes is configured to save successful responses back into the shared directory, or if Jes was not able to process the request.

*.err files

Failed request documents. These files are the XML documents for requests that could not be processed by Jes, and there should be a file with the same base name, but with a .resp extension, that contains the actual XML response document from Jes. Jes will add an event log entry whenever one of these files is created. In an ideal world, these files will never be created, but a maintenance task is to check the shared directory for these files and remove them after analysing the fault and taking any required corrective action.

*.out* files

Reserved for use by Jes.


The underscore character is a reserved character. See File Naming below.


File naming

If the base file name does not contain an underscore character, the module assumes the file is a SubmitPO request (Module = iJM_B2BIn, Operation = JM_B2BOp_SubmitPO).


If the base file name contains an '_' character, the text including and following the first '_' in the file name is interpreted as follows:



The XML is for a submit order request (Module = iJM_B2BIn, Operation = JM_B2BOp_SubmitPO).



The XML is for a submit quote request (Module = iJM_B2BIn, Operation = JM_B2BOp_SubmitQuote).



File132123123.xml – will be treated as a SubmitPO request.

File898373_Order.xml – will be treated as a SubmitPO request.

File_SomeText.xml – will fail processing.

File898373_Quote.xml – will be treated as a SubmitQuote request.


What the Client system must do

Writing the Order Files

The Client system must be aware that Jes may scan the shared directory for files at any time, and must ensure that Jes cannot read a partially saved file. It is recommended that, when writing a file to the shared directory the Client system opens the file with shared access denied.


To minimise conflict between the Client system and Jes, it is highly recommended that the Client system write the request XML file into a directory using an .in extension, then rename the file to have an .xml extension once the file is fully written and closed.


Uniquely Identifying Requests

It is recommended the Client system use a unique base file name for each request.


Uniquely Identifying Orders

For the case of submitting orders, the order can be uniquely identified in one of two ways:

1.The Client system can either fill in the SubmitRefID element in the xml request.


2.Simply ensure that the request XML file name is unique, and leave the SubmitRefID element out of the xml document. In this case, will set the contents of the SubmitRefID element to be the base file name of the request, in which case it is critical the Client system use a unique file name for each submit order request.


Further information

How to Submit Orders

How to Submit Orders via Email