Submit Orders via Email

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System Setup

For Jes to support receipt of orders via email, do the following:

Create an email account to receive the emails. This email account must be accessible via the POP3 protocol. Forward all email orders to this email address.

Set up the email account in Jim2.

Create a rule that executes the Process As Order action for these emails. Consider setting an archive rule to remove the email after a certain period.

Make sure Jes is configured to process orders (the B2BIn module is required).


Email Format

When receiving the order via XML, the XML is expected to be added to the email as an attachment or as text in the message. If the order is sent as an attachment, send the XML either in plain text format or encrypted.


Encryption is recommended. For encrypted orders the subject title must be the text Order followed by the encryption initialisation vector. For example:


Order – 337a1f84a2e5454f


The attachment must be the only attachment with an .xml extension – any other attachment will be ignored.


XML Schema

Refer to the JesM_B2B\Jim2_B2B_SubmitOrder.xsd schema for the structure of the order.


Further information

How to Submit Orders

How to Submit Orders by Saving to File