Prepaid Pages

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Prepaid pages can either be allocated to a particular contract until they’re all used, or be bought in blocks on an ongoing basis. A prepaid pages meter will always be linked to either a black, colour or scan meter. The meter is always trying to use up any outstanding pages.


Block Prepaid Pages

prepaid pages


In the example above, the stock COUNTER.JOURNAL.P must be Journal stock, as the amount of stock on hand is increased when a prepaid block is purchased, and subsequently reduced as the stock is used. In this particular case, there are 5000 prepaid pages remaining for this contract. If the customer uses 17,000 pages then this will require two additional blocks of pages to be purchased (2 X 10,000 + 5,000 = 25,000 pages). The created job would look like the following:


March – 17,000 pages

COUNTER.BLACK 17,000 @ 0.01 = $170

COUNTER.JOURNAL.P 20,000 @ 0.01 = $200

COUNTER.JOURNAL.P -17,000 @ 0.01 = -$170


If the Prepaid Pages meter is set up with an Expires frequency, then it must also be set up with Unders stock. This unders stock actually refers to the stock that is used to offset the expired pages.


April – 11,000 pages – Pages Expire after 1 month

COUNTER.BLACK 11,000 @ 0.01 = $110

COUNTER.JOURNAL.P 20,000 @ 0.01 = $200

COUNTER.JOURNAL.P -11,000 @ 0.01 = -$110


May – 4,000 pages

COUNTER.BLACK 4,000 @ 0.01 = $40

COUNTER.JOURNAL.P -4,000 @ 0.01 = -$40


June – 9,000 pages

COUNTER.BLACK 9,000 @ 0.01 = $90

COUNTER.JOURNAL.P -5,000 @ 0.01 = -$50

COUNTER.EXPIRED.P 5,000 @ 0.01 = $50 (This expired stock offsets the ‘used’ prepaid stock)

COUNTER.JOURNAL.P 10,000 @ 0.01 = $100 (Purchase another block)

COUNTER.JOURNAL.P -9,000 @ 0.01 = -$90


Prepaid stock can also be used to allocate a certain number of free pages to a contract. It can be set up so that once these free pages are used, the contract reverts to being billed as normal. See the example scenario section for more details.


How to


3 Tier Colour Coverage Billing

3 Tier Colour Coverage Reads Billed with Total Colour Rate

3 Tier Colour Coverage Reads Min Volume on Colour Total

Add Manual Meter Readings

Add or Remove a Child from a Master

Base Charge and Minimum

Base Charge and Base Rate

Bill a Master Contract

Billing Exact Amount Using a Balancing Meter

Billing Using Prepaid Blocks

Billing Using Expiring Prepaid Blocks

Black A3 and Black A4 Meter with Minimum Volume Over the Two Meters

Black A3 and Separate A4 Meter

Clawback Meters

Contract Serviced by 3rd Party

Contract Serviced by 3rd Party with Base Charge

Contract Serviced by 3rd Party with Minimum Charge

Contract Serviced by 3rd Party with Minimum Volume Charge

Contract with Total Meter

Create a Non Billing Template



Estimate Meter Reads

Fix Incorrect Meter Read

Invoice 3rd Party for Labour

Manage Invoicing Multiple Masters

Minimum Dollar Amount

Minimum Dollar Amount for Black Only

Minimum Volume for Black

One off Free Pages

PMP Plan Meter Setup

Prepaid Pages

Produce a Summary Invoice

Refurbish Contracts Using Special Stock and Sales Kit

Refurbish Contracts Using Special Stock and Manufacturing

Refurbish Photocopier Parts

Replace a Contract Part

Service and Finance Split Billed as Single Amount

Set up a Master Contract

Set up and Use Text Email Request

Set up and Use Web Meter Reads

Set up Consumable Coverage on 3 Tier Billing Stock

Set up Contract with Price Break Point

Set up Master with Average Billing



Set up Master with Clawback all Unders at Historical Rate

Set up Master with Clawback All Unders Overs at Current Rate

Set up Master with Clawback Open Unders and Overs at Current Rate

Set up Master with Clawback Open Unders at Current Rate

Set up Master with Meters with Different Periodicities

Set up Master with Multiple Black with A3 and A4 Meter and Min Volume

Set up Master with Multiple Child Contracts

Set up Master with Multiple Children and Minimum Volume

Set up Master with Multiple Children with Different Black Rate

Set up Master or Standalone with Free Pages

Set up Master or Standalone with Prepaid Pages

Set up QR Code

Split Billing 2nd Party

Split Meter Setups

Terminate a Contract

Unders and Overs Meter Setup