Multi-Currency Revaluation

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Unrealised gains and losses represent the exposure or difference in the potential value of foreign currency transactions to what is currently recorded.



Multi-Currency works in a real-time environment, not from an as at date point of view, therefore when in a revaluation session, you cannot change the date.


An unrealised gain/loss is generated whenever the current asset/liability for a currency is revalued. The difference between the original home currency value and the new revalued home currency amount is the unrealised gain/loss.



Users can also lock the exchange rate at an object level if this transaction is to be hedged at a specific rate. This will exclude this document from any further revaluation.






hmtoggle_arrow1Nothing to Revalue


From the Report menu on the ribbon, produce a Multi-Currency revaluation report for printing.


If user security allows it, right click within the list grid, select Export Data and save the list information as an XLSX file.




As see from the above image, there are a number of other useful right click options, all self explanatory.


Further information

Multi-currency Security

Multi-Currency Setup

Working with Multicurrency

Multi-Currency Accounting

Multi-Currency Business Analysis

Multi-Currency Purchasing

Multi-Currency Stock

Multi-Currency Transfer From Home Account to Overseas Account