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Only the home currency can be used in general journals, as the general ledger is only in home currency.


XV – Multi-Currency Revaluation

RefNo = Multi-Currency Revaluation Session No




This journal is created by a Revaluation Session to change/revalue the foreign currency amount that appears in the general ledger (in home currency).


The XV journal is a summary of the revaluation of documents selected (by document type or bank account), along with its related unrealised figure.



The P&L side (unrealised account) will use the default branch/sub-branch/GL Department (if branches branches are enabled) as set in Multi-Currency options. The foreign currency side of these transactions will always be $0.00, as the revaluation is always adjusting home currency.


XRC – Multi-Currency Creditors Gain/Loss (Creditor Purchases/Invoices)

RefNo: = purchase order no


mc reval before paid


This is generated when a creditor payment is allocated. The realised gain/loss at the point of payment is calculated and moved accordingly in an XRC Journal.


XRCC – Multi-Currency Creditors Gain/Loss (Credits/Prepayments)

RefNo: = Pay no


This journal is generated by creditors when a credit/prepayment is refunded to either a foreign currency or home currency bank account. It represents the difference in value an exchange rate change has made in the time between prepayment being made and refunded.


XRB – Multi-Currency Realisation (Bank)

RefNo: = Bank GL No


This journal is generated when a cheque is written from a foreign currency bank account to a home currency bank account (or vice versa) at an exchange rate other than the current default.


Further information

Transaction Journal

Journal Types