Jim2Commerce Portal Image Naming

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Before adding product images to Jim2, please ensure they are using the following naming conventions.



Note: .webp is the recommended image type.


hmtoggle_arrow1Product with no attribute


hmtoggle_arrow1Product with colour attribute


hmtoggle_arrow1Options for Clothing


hmtoggle_arrow1Options for ordering other product types


hmtoggle_arrow1Customer Specific Logo Types (Advanced)



Images can be added to Jim2 either directly on the stock code or in bulk.

Recommended product image sizes: 400 x 400px to 1200 x 1200px.

Ideal file size is between 6kb and 200kb.


Further information

Jim2Commerce Set Up Product Fields

Jim2Commerce Product Stock Group Management

Jim2Commerce Publish Products to Portal

Jim2Commece Image and Document Tags

Jim2Commerce Customer Logo

Jim2Commerce Miscellaneous Product Tags

Jim2Commerce User Configurations