Ship Via Item Types

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On the ribbon, go to Tools > Setups > Jobs and select Ship Via Item Types.




Ship Via Item Types are used in Dispatch.


Click Add at the bottom, and enter all types of containers the shipping company would normally use, ie. satchel, box, etc.


In this example, there are three methods to send via Couriers Please.




When selecting the Cartons column of a Dispatch in Edit mode, the Dispatch Item screen pops up, to allow the type of carton to be chosen, and further information added, such as weight, etc.




The fields in the above image coloured yellow indicate that they are editable fields.



A Dispatch script for the Ship Via method is required to see this working. Please contact Happen Support ( to obtain this functionality. When the list is dispatched, the script is run and the properly formatted dispatch file is created.


Further information


Ship Via
