There are six attribute types available:
1.Unbound List: This will create a drop down list for users to select a value, as well as being able to enter their own values if none of the existing ones are appropriate. Enter a list of suggested values, however it can be left blank.
2.Integer: This means that users need to enter a whole number attribute, ie. no decimals. In this case, Value is where a default value can be entered for the attribute as well as a range to limit the number users enter to a minimum and maximum value.
3.Real: This is for numbers that require decimal points. An optional mask can be applied from the drop down list to further validate the values entered by users. For example, a mask of #.## will only allow users to enter numbers with 2 decimal places, and -#.### will only allow users to enter a number rounded to three decimal places. The example below is one decimal place.
4.Date: Select a date as an attribute value.
5.Bound List: This will create a drop down list of values for users to choose from, however they will not be able to enter their own values if none match. These values can be changed at any time.
The order of the attribute values within the selection matrix is as per the grid order. The order can be changed by selecting a row within the grid and selecting the green up/down arrows.
6.Checkbox: this data type should be used for attributes that will have a true or false value, for example, fragile: yes/no.