Stock Flow

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Stock flow provides ETA management at an integrated stock line level on purchase orders and linked jobs. This provides a single view of the expected delivery date from a vendor, and the job due date advised to customers.


Select Stock Flow on the ribbon to run a list which will show everything on order, what jobs are for whom and due dates, along with the related job.


stock flow icon


The list can be filtered in several ways, depending on the search criteria entered. For example, enter a Vendor# to filter by the list for a specific Vendor, Cust# to filter by a specific customer, etc.


Right clicking on any row in the list displays a pop-up menu for quick access to the related purchase order and/or job.


stock flow


Header fields





PO #

Enter a particular purchase order number.


Enter a vendor card code.


Enter a From card code.


Select a Name (user).

PO Date Due >

Date due after this date.

PO Date Due <

Date due before this date.



Enter a particular job number,.


Customer card code.

Acc. Mgr

Account Manager.



Job Date Due >

Date due after this date.

Job Date Due <

Date due before this date.



Select stock location.


Select stock code.


Acc.Mgr. Groups

Select Account Manager Group.

Job Name Groups

Select Job Name Group.

PO Name Groups

PO Name Group.

Stock Groups

Select Stock Group.


Grid fields




Purchase order number. There may be the same PO# recorded a number of times in this list – this means that there are numerous stock lines on the purchase order, and all are listed separately here.

PO Date Due

Purchase order date due. This date may be the date due in the header of the purchase order, or it may be the line level date due from the stock grid in the purchase order.

PO Status

Purchase order status, ie. Booked, Ordered, etc.


Vendor card code.


From card code on purchase order.


The location where the stock is held.

Stock Code

The stock code for each line on the purchase order.

Stock Description

The stock description for each line on the purchase order


The unit type, ie. each, box, etc.


Quantity ordered.


The related job number.

Job Date Due

The related job date due.

Job Status

The related job status.

Cust #

Customer card code on the related job.


Right click options in the stock flow list

rc stockflow


Right Click Option



View the highlighted object.

Export Data

Exports data from the grid to a spreadsheet file.

Export Grid

Exports the grid to a spreadsheet. This is particularly useful if the grid has more than one header row, as it will export all header rows.


Print the list.

Print Preview

Preview the list to be printed.

Copy Cell

Copy the highlighted cell.

Copy Row

Copy the highlighted row.

Copy All

Copy all, which can then be pasted into a spreadsheet

Show Find panel

Opens the Find panel:





The Find panel will remain in a pinned list but will disappear from an unpinned list on log off.

Grid Columns...

Allows adding more columns. Also allows removal of columns. Select the column to add, then drag it to the position required in the columns within the grid. To remove, click and drag to the Grid Columns... window, or drag down away from the header area.


Right click options in the Nav Tree

rc stockflow navtree


After the top 3 (which are self explanatory), these options mirror what is on the ribbon in the Stock tab, except for the last tab, which will reset all tabs to the default.


Further information

Stock Flow Security

Using Stock Flow