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This is where to define the company's actual working hours in Jim2, among other settings. These are global settings, ie. every user is affected by these settings.


On the ribbon, go to Tools > Options > General > Labour.





The hours per day will round to a whole number, so if your start time is 8.30am, set the time to 8.29am to ensure it shows correctly within the Schedule.


hmtoggle_arrow1Working hours


Timesheet display fields for jim2 objects

Jim Object



Choose from Cust# or Ship# to display timers for jobs.


Choose from Cust# or Ship# to display timers for quotes.

Purchase Order

Choose from Vend# or From# to display timers for purchase order.

Return to Vendor

Choose from Vend# or From# to display timers for RTV.

Return from Customer

Cust# will display timers for RFC.


Session# will display timers for that session stocktake.


Choose from Cust# or Ship# to display timers for projects.


Name will display timers for documents.


Further information

Billable vs Actual Labour


Labour Content

Labour Entry Screen

Labour Daily Report

Labour Tab

Labour Timers

Labour Type

Timers and Labour

Time Sheets

Add Billable Labour to a Job

Export Actual Labour

Export Labour Hours from a Job

How to Add Labour

Include Labour in Cost When Manufacturing