View or Edit an Item

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The Item object can be opened in either one of these ways:

on the ribbon, go to Items > View/Edit Item

right click on Items in the Nav Tree at the left of screen, then select View/Edit Item.  


The following Item code screen will open.




Enter the Item code and click either View or Edit.


If the Item code is not known, search for it in one of the following ways.

Start typing the Item code. Jim2's intuitive type will pre-empt the choice of Item codes from its database as each letter is entered.

Click the Item code ellipsis [...] which will bring up an Item list search screen. From here enter a search term, then select Run.


Pressing F5 when the cursor is in the Item Code field will also open this search screen.


How to

Add a Manufacturing Item

Add an Item

Add a Document to an Item

Add Groups to an Item

Add Multiple Items

Add Stock to a Manufacturing Item

Add Stock to a Sales or Service Item

Import Items

View an Items list