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Navigation: Jim2 Functions > Documents

Add or Link Existing Document

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Please see here for adding/linking existing documents in Jim2.Cloud.


Documents can be added to any Jim2 object displaying the Documents tab in the footer.


Add or link an existing document to an object using the Document tab

Manually add or link to an existing document (already in Jim2 Documents) directly from the object's Documents tab, as follows:

open the object in Add or Edit mode

go to the Documents tab in the footer

click Add New or Link Existing

select the document to add or link to.

add or link


Unlink/delete a document from an object

Unlink a document (ie. remove the link), or delete a document from an object, in this manner:

open the object in Add or Edit mode

go to the Documents tab in the footer

select the document from the grid

click Delete or Remove Link.



Use caution if deleting a document, as it might be linked to other objects, aside from the one currently being viewed.