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Jim2® Business Engine Help File

Administrators can create and push a predefined set of lists to a particular user or group. Once configured and published, the lists are applied to the user’s next logon. This functionality can also be used to push lists to Jim2 Mobile users, without the need to log on as each user to reconfigure, add or edit lists.


Publish and lock down lists to specific users or groups:

Lock down company workflow processes by ensuring users or groups cannot remove specific lists.

Fast start user setup without the need to log on and configure a new user's lists.

Mobile only users – administrators can add, edit and remove lists for Jim2 Mobile.


Working with Published Lists


The ability to publish and manage lists must first be enabled via Tools > Security > Lists. It is enabled for all Administrator groups by default.


Lists security



Manage Published Lists is off by default. This can be turned on by going to Tools > Security > Lists and selecting Allow managing Published Lists.


How to Structure Published Lists

When setting up published lists, this is a good time to reassess your use of lists and your company workflow to ensure all users have lists most appropriate to their day-to-day work needs, and company workflow requirements. For example, a service team may use job lists such as:




Unread Email List


Unassigned Jobs


My Jobs

All users

All Jobs



Purchasing users

Ready Jobs

Account users


Published Lists Displayed in the Nav Tree

published list


The published list is highlighted with an underline, and the list description is displayed to users in the above filters. The new lists have been saved and will be displayed to the applicable user or group of users the next time they log on to Jim2.


Managing Published Lists as an Administrator

Users with security access to create published lists can manage these any time by clicking Manage Published Lists on the ribbon, under each object, ie. job, purchase, etc.


manage published lists


The published list below has the alternate View By Group & User selected, which is an ideal way to see a summary view of the lists that will be displayed to a given user/group.


view by group user


Select Open Published List to open a list that is not currently visible. This will only be possible for lists where you have permission to do so.


open published list



published list details


Tick each list to be added and click OK to have the list added to your Nav Tree with existing lists.


Removing User Defined Lists

Administrators can delete lists that users have created for themselves.


delete user list



Should a user already have 25 lists open (ie. 25 jobs under the Job List), creating further lists will cause the same quantity of existing lists to be removed, ie. 3 new lists added would see 3 prior lists removed from the existing object list. Should you already have 25 object lists pinned, you will not be able to create further lists within that object until you unpin and remove some.


Date/Time Picker

In the advanced filter options (the Advanced List tab at the bottom left of screen will expand the header), in the header for lists the date/time picker has a large number of relative date options, as shown here:


date time picker


Relative Names

Relative Names have the option of variable values based on logged on user or explicit values. Select the icon as shown to change the value.


cardfile value


explicit value


Further information: